Terms & Conditions

1. General hiring conditions

1.1. These are the General Conditions that regulate the contractual relationship by which the user acquires the products or services of www.ACTUALSLOT.com that ACTUALSLOT makes available to you at the URL www.actualslot.com/aviso-legal.html.

The user who contracts must also accept the conditions established for the product or service subject to the sale.

1.2. These General Conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Conditions of Contract, Royal Decree 1906/1999 whereby Telephone or Electronic Contracting is regulated with general conditions in development of article 5.3 of Law 7/1998, General Law 26/1984 for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Law 7/1996 of Retail Trade Regulation , Royal Decree-Law 14/1999 regulating electronic signatures and all applicable legal provisions.

1.3. The user who purchases products from ACTUALSLOT admits to having read these Contract Conditions and expresses his full and unreserved adherence to each and every one.

1.4. The conditions described here may be modified at any time at the request of ACTUALSLOT. These modifications will be reflected in this document, which the user can access at any time and of which he can obtain a physical copy by printing it.

2. Responsibility of the buyer

2.1. The user is responsible for all the data and statements he includes in the ACTUALSLOT forms, as well as the content of any other communication he issues. The user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, and ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other legal actions. The user will be absolutely responsible for the use he makes of the purchased product, exonerating ACTUALSLOT from the responsibility derived from any damage that could be caused by any correct or incorrect use of this product.

2.2. Before making the contract, the user must check the displayed characteristics of the product, the price, the applicable taxes and the functionalities. By sending the corresponding recruitment form, the user accepts the conditions of registration and recruitment set out here and undertakes to respect their use and the established prohibitions.

2.3. The fact that the user fills in the form does not imply ACTUALSLOT’s automatic acceptance of this order, but will be understood as acceptance when ACTUALSLOT sends you an email confirming the request. Likewise, by sending the contract form, the user undertakes to pay for the product or service purchased. The user accepts that, if your payment details do not allow billing and/or collection by ACTUALSLOT, the requested product or service will not be granted to you or will be cancelled.

2.4. Only natural persons over the age of 18 may contract, in their own name and in their own right, or in that of the legal person whom they represent with power of attorney.

2.5. ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to exclude or not allow the acquisition of the product to users who, according to their full and free opinion, consider that they are in violation of the current regulations, these conditions, morality, generally accepted customs or public order .

2.6. The product will only be delivered to end customers (domestic or professional). Any unauthorized commercial use of them, or their resale, is expressly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by ACTUALSLOT.

2.7. The user undertakes to pay the price of the product and to use it in accordance with the law and these conditions.

2.8. ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to exclude or not allow the acquisition of the product to users that it considers to be in breach of current regulations, these Conditions, morals, generally accepted customs or public order, as well as any other user accessing which is considered by ACTUALSLOT to be inadvisable for reasons derived from the image itself, the reputation of the web page or others. In this case, if the payment has been made, ACTUALSLOT will proceed with its return to the user.

3. Products offered and purchase system

3.1. The products and services offered at ACTUALSLOT, along with their features, utilities, images and price will appear on the screen. The prices indicated on the screen are in euros and will include the taxes that are applicable at any time, the cost of transport and any other tax that was applicable at the time, except for typographical errors or. The offers will be duly indicated on the screen. ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to choose at any time the products and services offered to users through ACTUALSLOT. Likewise, ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to stop providing access, at any time and without prior notice, to any of the products offered at ACTUALSLOT.

3.2. For the acquisition of products at ACTUALSLOT, ACTUALSLOT will ask the user to register, for this the user must complete the instructions that appear on the screen, as well as any others that are included in ACTUALSLOT . The user must complete the registration form. The username and password provided by the user to ACTUALSLOT are identifiers and enablers to access and make purchases and are personal, non-transferable and modifiable.

3.3. Once the user is registered, and in order to proceed with the purchase of products or services, he must select the product he wishes to purchase according to the indications collected on the screen, filling out the order form provided for these purposes and validating it, which which implies the reading and irrevocable acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions, as well as the conditions applicable to the product subject to purchase.

3.4. Once the purchase has been made, and as soon as possible, ACTUALSLOT will send the user a confirmation of the order by email. The order confirmation will not be valid as an invoice. Purchase prices will be those in effect at the time the order is placed. Shipping costs for each product will vary by supplier, product weight and shipping distance. The shipping costs that for various reasons were not included in the PVP of the product will be specified on the screen.

3.5. ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to cancel the user name and password and therefore access to ACTUALSLOT to those users who maintain outstanding or unpaid balances with ACTUALSLOT.

4. Forms of payment

4.1. The payment of the price of the goods purchased and the shipping costs that will appear on the screen, can be made through:

4.2 Bank transfer/deposit. Cash on delivery is not accepted.

4.3 Payment by credit card at payment gateway The customer’s data will be encrypted according to SSL (SecureSocketLayer) protocols, thus guaranteeing their security and confidentiality.

4.4 Payment through the Paypal payment gateway, the customer who chooses this payment method will pay the current rate of commissions for this payment system.

5. Responsibility of Actualslot

5.1. ACTUALSLOT undertakes to make ACTUALSLOT available to the user with the necessary information regarding the products it offers and the contract conditions.

5.2. The contents and services may evolve and ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to change the brand, the logo, the domain name (URL), the presentation and any elements it deems appropriate in relation to its products. The user accepts that access to ACTUALSLOT, the content and the service of this website is the existing one at all times. ACTUALSLOT will not accept any claim for content, services, updates, connections and/or changes in general that affect its products.

5.3. ACTUALSLOT is not responsible for technical network connection failures that may cause equipment damage, prevent connection or limit the user’s access to ACTUALSLOT in whole or in part. ACTUALSLOT is not responsible for breakdowns caused by service providers that may prevent access to ACTUALSLOT.

5.4. ACTUALSLOT will manage with the manufacturer the delivery of the product so that it is carried out under normal conditions within a period of between 1 and 7 working days, counting from the date on which the purchase was made. However, the user acknowledges and accepts that different external conditions may alter these terms.

5.5. In cases where the products are not the property of ACTUALSLOT, it will only be obliged to comply with the conditions established here as an intermediary, therefore solely responsible for its obligations to manage the procurement and collection of the product purchased by the user

5.6. ACTUALSLOT may hire or collaborate with subcontractors or transfer formalized contracts to third parties, to carry out the supply of all or part of the products to which it is committed by virtue of the various operations that are formalized in accordance with the provisions of present document.

5.7. ACTUALSLOT will not be responsible for the availability and correct continuity of the operation of the product and for damages of any kind that could be caused to users by the interruption, termination or dysfunction of the service, for reasons not attributable to ACTUALSLOT. Also, ACTUALSLOT will not be responsible for misuse, installation or treatment of the product by the user or a third party not following the instructions indicated.

5.8. ACTUALSLOT requires suppliers to comply with European regulations. In this sense, ACTUALSLOT is not responsible for personal and material damages resulting from the use of the product. Similarly, ACTUALSLOT is not responsible for personal or material damage that occurs as a result of a manufacturing defect or improper use of the product.

5.9. In accordance with the Civil Code and other applicable regulations, the manufacturer will be directly responsible for its characteristics, defects or hidden vices and its quality. ACTUALSLOT will only be liable for any of these circumstances if the aforementioned defects or irregularities were due to any willful, culpable or negligent act of ACTUALSLOT.

5.10. ACTUALSLOT will not be responsible for the exhaustion of the stock of any product.

5.11. In any case, the liability that may be owed to ACTUALSLOT will be limited to the price of the product purchased by the user.

6. Termination of the contract

ACTUALSLOT reserves the right to immediately withdraw access to the service and to ACTUALSLOT from those users who, in ACTUALSLOT’s opinion, contravene the provisions of these conditions, without the possibility of reimbursement if payment has been made.

Specifically, ACTUALSLOT may cancel the contract:

a.- When access is used for illegitimate purposes, including those listed in this contract and in ACTUALSLOT’s legal notice.

b.- When the billing data provided in the contract are incorrect or make invoicing and/or collection of the contracted service impossible.

c) In case of fraudulent use of the product or contrary to good faith.

7. Document

The contract document between the user and ACTUALSLOT is composed of the present General Conditions of Contract, the form sent by the user with his personal and payment data and the data located on ACTUALSLOT, which complete this document, prevailing over any other prior or simultaneous verbal or written agreement.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract will be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law. ACTUALSLOT and the user undertake to try to resolve amicably any disagreement that may arise in the development of this Contract, prior to going to the jurisdiction contemplated. The user knows and accepts that this Contract and the claims and responsibilities arising from it are subject to Spanish legislation.

9. Returns

Return procedure

All products purchased at ACTUALSLOT may be returned and refunded, provided that the Customer informs ACTUALSLOT of their intention to return the product(s) purchased within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date of delivery and that the rest of the conditions established in this section are met.

In order to make the return process easier for Customers and to be able to follow it correctly, ACTUALSLOT establishes as the only return procedure the one described below. If the reason for the return is attributable to ACTUALSLOT (the product is defective, not what you ordered, etc.), the amount of the return costs will be reimbursed. If the reason is another (the products were served correctly but are not to your liking), the cost of the return costs will be borne by the customer.

We will accept returns that meet the following requirements:

1. Inform before 14 calendar days from receipt that the product wants to be returned. Information can be sent via email to info@actualslot.com or via the customer service form. ACTUALSLOT will inform the customer of the address to which you must send the product.

2. The product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered and must retain the original packaging and labeling.

3. Shipping must be done using the same box in which it was received to protect the product. In the event that it cannot be done with the box in which it was delivered, the Customer must return it in a protective box so that the product arrives at the ACTUALSLOT warehouse with the maximum possible guarantees.

4. A copy of the delivery note must be included in the package, where the returned products and the reason for the return are also marked.

5. The customer can send it using a shipping service of their choice as long as it includes a tracking number.

6. Must inform ACTUALSLOT of the service used, date and time of return.

7. The shipment must be made to our warehouse at the following address:

Anna Mª Vila Duran
C/ del Mig, 21
08506 Calldetenes – Barcelona – Espanya

10 Customer refunds

Returning products will result in a refund equal to the cost of the returned products minus the cost of the return service.

Only in the event that the product delivered is defective or incorrect, ACTUALSLOT will also reimburse the Customer for the corresponding shipping costs.

Partial returns and cancellations will result in partial refunds.

ACTUALSLOT will handle the return order under the same system that was used for payment within 3 days from the confirmation of arrival at the warehouse of the returned order. The application of the refund to the Customer’s account or card will depend on the card and the issuing entity. The application period will be up to 7 days for debit cards and up to 30 days for credit cards.

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